brain's teeming thought.'
'Alack that I so little can reveal!
Fancy one hundred for each separate ill:
Full space and place I've left for prison weal!
But now my former purpose to fulfil, '
' And sing the dungeon's praise with honour due-
For this angelic tongues were scant of skill.
Here never languish honest men and true,
Except by placemen's fraud, misgovernment, '
' Jealousies, anger, or se spiteful crew.
To tell the truth whereon my mind is bent,
Here man knows God, nor ever stints to pray,
Feeling his soul with hell's fierce anguish rent. '
'Let one be famed as bad as mortal may,
Send him in jail two sorry years to pine,
He'll ce forth holy, wise, beloved alway.'
'Here soul, flesh, clothes their substance gross refine;
Each bulky lout grows light like gossamere;
Celestial thrones before purged eyeballs shine.
I'll tell thee a great marvel! Friend, give ear! '
' The fancy took me on one day to write:
Learn now what shifts one may be put to here.
My cell I search, prick brows and hair upright,
Then turn me toward a cranny in the door, '
' And with my teeth a splinter disunite;
Next find a piece of brick upon the floor,
Crumble a part thereof to powder small,
And form a paste by spri